Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Going to sleep

Q: What is more difficult than getting one child to sleep at bedtime?
A: Getting two children to sleep, especially when they are in the same room.

We are definitely having our bedtime challenges on this trip. On his first night with us, Trent went out fairly soon, but he had a big day then. He hasn't gone to sleep quite as well since. We try to get him to sleep at 8 pm but it has been 9 or even 10 o'clock when he has finally zonked. Of course, he is not quiet when awake which doesn't help his big sister fall asleep either. She also wonders why she has to go asleep when her little brother isn't.

In our bedtime struggles we did discover one thing. The other night we tried to cover him with a little blanket to encourage sleep. Instead he pulls the blanket over his head and starts to play peek-a-boo. At least he is responding to us and is developed enough to play this game.

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