This is where we come into the picture. On August 20, 2008 we will board a plane in Detroit, MI and fly to Minneapolis, MN. There we will be joined by one pair of gandparents and an aunt. From there all of us will fly to Tokyo, Japan, change planes, and head to Beijing, China. We will spend a few days there touring and getting adjusted to the time change. On Sunday, August 24 we will board another plane and fly from Beijing to Lanzhou, the capital of the Gansu province. After we settle into the hotel, at about 4pm, they will bring Trent to us there. He will be united with his new family. We will spend a few days in and around Lanzhou while all the paperwork is finished. From there we are taking a short trip to the city of XiAn in a neighboring province. This place has the tomb of one of the first Chinese emperors with the famous terra cotta army. After taking in the sights there, we fly to the city of Gaungzhou in the southern part of China. It is just a little ways north of Hong Kong. All Chinese adoptions from the U.S. have to come to the U.S. consulate here to obtain the proper paperwork for bringing home their children. Finally on Thursday, September 4 we will board a plane for the return home with our new son. After stops in Tokyo and Minneapolis (to drop off grandparents and aunt) we will arrive back in Detroit. And then the real adventure begins.
That is the story for now. Over the next month we hope to keep everyone up-to-date on our experiences throughout this trip on this blog. Check in regularly. Posting may be light until the trip begins. During the travels we hope to post daily.
hey trent!
Nice blog. I've never taken time to check any out so this will be a great way to learn about them and your blessed growing of your family. We are praying daily for each of you! Beth
You will all be in our prayers. Have a great time! Give Trent extra hugs from all of us. I look forward to your posts and wish I could be making another trip to China.
Wishing you both Godspeed as you and the folks head on over this week (Lorna is SO excited!)...
Of course, we expect MULTIPLE pictures!
Sending along our prayers and love for all of you as you prepare to welcome Trent into the Hollman family...
God Bless your family as you begin this journey to meet your precious son. Your mom (our son's catechism teacher) filled us in this morning. What an amazing experience. We will keep you in our prayers!!
Alan & Kristie Borgelt
My daughter has club feet...we also adopted through Harrah's. Amelia is 2 1/2 and is seeing Dr. Dobbs in St. Louis. We head back in September for casts and surgery. Good luck with your travels!
Kim Wells
Dear Kyle and Linda,
We are leaving Aug 23rd for Alaska. We will try to keep updated on the ship. God bless you on your 1st meeting with Trent and we look forward to meeting him and welcoming him to our family. Love, Marvin and Carol
Dear Kyle and Linda,
My name is Sheridan Norgard. I am the son of Rich Norgard. I will be living and teaching English in Shenzhen(Hong Kong) beginning August 28th. That is near Gaungzhou and the US consolute. If you are looking for something to do, write me an email at shaynorg@hotmail.com
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