This will be Trent's new family: his big sister Nora, his dad Kyle and his mom Linda.
Nora Noel Hollman is 4 1/2 years old. She spent her first year of life in an orphanage in the city of HengYang in the Hunan province of China. She came into our family on December 6, 2004, just a few days past her first birthday. Nora loves to talk. She is a people person who is always squeezing her way into being the center of attention. She likes to ride her bike, her scooter, be pulled in her wagon, or just go for a walk. She also likes to swim, especially with her mom, and can put her head all the way under. Nora enjoys singing, coloring, and playing games. A typical four-year-old, there is not much she doesn't like doing (except maybe listening to mom and dad).
Kyle Willis Hollman is a research scientist in the Biomedical Engineering Department at the University of Michigan. His specialty is ultrasonic imaging which he is using to measure the elastic properties of various tissues in the eye. Your typical nerd, he enjoys science fiction and fantasy, both in books and movies. In the fall he runs a fantasy football league that includes (mostly male) family and friends. At church he sings bass in the choir and occasionally teaches an adult Bible study on Sunday mornings. He is chief photographer and pizza delivery boy for Linda's church activities. He also enjoys being dragged to social functions by his dear and lovely wife.
Linda Marie Hollman is director of outreach, assimilation, and women's ministries at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church in Livonia, Michigan. In addition, she sings soprano in the church choir. In her spare time she likes reading and sewing. She has a strange addiction to garage sales which, as addictions go, is mostly harmless. Her other hobby is travel. She has been to 5 of the 7 continents only missing Australia and Antarctica. For some reason she wants to stop at 6.
These are the characters that will be a big part of Trent's life for a long time, God willing.
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